Christian Education (Sunday School)
Opportunities @ 9:20 a.m.
Every Sunday. Don't miss out!

Week long Christian Education opportunities are listed below:


 The Bible in a Year Discussion Group with Ralph Hyatt in the Fellowship Hall: Join us every Sunday to discuss the weekly “Bible in a Year” readings for that week.

 College & Career Class led by Caden DeGreen in the Library: This class is for college age and young adults. We dive into a devotion every week from “The Rescue” Discovering How the Gospel Rescues & Redeems, seeking to draw closer to Christ and each other.

Oasis with Maizie Nelson and Martha Green in the Luther Room Foyer: Oasis = An area made fertile by a source of freshwater in an otherwise dry and arid region. Oasis is a place for God to nurture the wellsprings of our souls. We seek the guidance of Holy Spirit as we grow together toward Christian maturity. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, strengthens the weak, heals the sick, brings back the outcast, and seeks the lost. We study God’s word, Old and New Testament, worship and praise him, sing, pray, and give mutual encouragement to one another. To God be the Glory as he produces fruit for the building up of his kingdom in our homes, the church, community, and the world. All are welcome, on any Sunday, to come for prayer or come for our entire class.

A study of the Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis led by Robbie Wahl in preschool classroom A15: This class is open to all and we will be reading the book in class together.

The Life of Christ, Led by Tim Champion in Fellowship 2: Currently we are deep into a chronological study of the life of Christ that has taken us from His first miracle at the wedding in Cana, and now, we are discussing his arrest and interrogation.
            In the following weeks we will be digging into the actions of our Savior as He stood before Pilate and the actions of key witnesses as they faced the exact decision as we do today. We will look at the ones who followed Jesus all the way and stood at the foot of the cross. Some bitterly wept and others mocked Him yet He prayed for all who were gathered there.  Even as they mocked Him and gave Him bitter wine to drink, there was one who stood at the foot of the cross and proclaimed “Surely, this was the Son of God”.
            Please feel free to join in as we complete this journey all the way to the foot of the cross.
            As we complete this study we will be visiting the letters of Paul combined with a look back into the Minor Prophets. This study as well as an introduction to the book of Daniel is foundational as we prepare for an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation.
Children & Youth Sunday Education - NURSERY IS available for infants & children 3 years of age during each worship service, and education time.  Following are where everyone will meet:
            Nursery (infant - 3 years old) ~ Preschool Nursery
            3K & K ~ led by Debbie Fick & Christine George in the John Room
            1st – 3rd grade ~ led by Jennifer Minner & Cassie Carter in the Matthew/Mark Room            4th – 5th Grade ~ led by Lydia Pizner in the Disciple Room
            Jr High ~ led by Amanda DeGreen & Kathy Stepanski in the Jr. High Room
            Sr High ~ led by Shandra Graf & Kennedy Minner in the Youth Room


EVERYONE Tuesday Morning 10:14 - 11 a.m. for everyone, both in person in the Luther Room Narthex and on the phone. Those not physically present call the one step number 727-731-7466, or 425-436-6342  Access Code: 328663.
Prayer and Bible study (worship night) Tuesday night 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. call the one step number 727-731-7466, or use the old number and access code: 425-436-6342  Access Code: 328663.


 Children's Time each Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. in the Jr. High Room

 Youth Bible Study led by Amanda DeGreen at 5:45 p.m. in the Youth Room.

Bible Study led by Pastor Chris, Wednesday's at 5:45 p.m. in the Library.  All are welcome!   


 Disciple Bible Study in the Jr. High Room, starting with year 1.