CtK Youth Ministry

Mission Statement:

The Youth Ministry of Christ the King Lutheran Church empowers youth and their families, to be disciples of Christ who are fostering a relationship flowing from God to us through others.

Core Values:

  • Christ Centered; We rely on prayer, God's word, modeling and doing, and the leading and working of the Holy Spirit in our lives to make disciples and advance the Kingdom of God.

  • Purposeful; We are intentional and organized in the implementation of our events, curriculum and goals.

  • Encouraging; We create a welcoming environment centered in Christian fellowship with challenging programs and activities.

  • Scripture - Based; Our curriculum teaches and supports principles rooted in scripture.

  • Integrity; We adhere the the highest values of Christian character while providing a safe environment for all.


What's in it for me?

  • Establish the foundations of your faith and your own personal relationship with Christ.

  • Discover your identity in Christ and who God created you to be.

  • Understand and develop my own brief testimony.

  • Be able to present a brief Gospel presentation when witnessing to others.

  • Opportunity to team with others in my group to have a greater impact on the lost.

  • An understanding of your mission in life.

So, tell me what I need to do?

  • Commitment to regular attendance.

  • Willing to be held accountable by other students and the leaders. And to hold them accountable.

  • Take time each day in God's Word.

  • Spend time in prayer alone and with other students on a weekly basis.

  • Seek out missional opportunities within the community.


Confirmation Ministry

Our Confirmation Ministry is for our 6th - 8th Graders. This journey through scripture and Lutheran studies is designed to equip our students with what it means to be a Follower of Christ. They are taught the 4 practices of being a Disciple Maker: Prayer, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Team. We believe these tools can inform and guide them to a better understanding of who God is and their purpose here. That we are to love God with every fiber of their being and to go spread the Good News and begin to disciple people who will then go disciple others, and so forth.

We meet during the Sunday School hour and have monthly lunch meetings with parents and students to help equip the parents and encourage families to pray, read scripture, and discuss together the lessons form Confirmation classes.

We also have 2 retreats during the school year where we get away for the weekend and dig deep into the 4 practices and how they apply and can be lived out in our daily lives.

For more information or if you want to be a part of Confirmation, please contact Scott Elliott.

High School Sunday School

Starting January 20, we will be studying the book of John. This will be discussion based as we look at John’s take on the ministry of Christ and the signs Jesus gave us during this time. We meet in the John Room (convenient, right?) each Sunday at 9:40. Look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday nights have a few new addition starting January 2019. We will continue to serve the meal and lead the worship service the last Wednesday night of each month. And the third Wednesday night of each month will be our Mission Emphasis Night in which we will join the Children’s Ministry and other ministries of the congregation for a mission project. The first Wednesday Night of each month we will meet upstairs in the Luther Room for some extended time of worship and reading and reflecting on God’s word. The second Wednesday Night of each month we will be in the Youth Room for small group discussions and activities. This is for middle and high school students. We meet from 6 - 7 PM.

First Wednesday Night - Worship and Reflection - Luther Room

Second Wednesday Night - Small Group discussion/Activities - Youth Room

Third Wednesday Night - Mission Emphasis - Fellowship Hall

Last Wednesday Night - Student Led Worship - Sanctuary

Winter Retreat 2019

 Winter Retreat 2019 was a time of worship, reflection, and being immersed into God’s Word. Our theme for the retreat was what are you doing with your cup. Throughout scripture we see the image of each of us having a cup that we have filled, pour out, drink from, and need God to take care of. At the conclusion of our time, each participant selected a cup and walked through a series of stations where they physically cleaned, took care of, and poured “blessings” into their cup. We were all challenged to only let God fill our cup as only good things come from God. And if God fill s our cup, it will always run over and then we can pour it God’s goodness to others.