Discipleship and Evangelism

"Save the Lost, Pastor the Saved, Equip the Pastored, Send the Equipped"

But those that were sown on the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.   (Mark 4:20)

Half of all U.S. churchgoers (51%) say they are unfamiliar with the term "Great Commission." - Barna Group

SIP Group Information!!

We’ve had 9 semesters of these 40-Day Bible text groups since March 1, 2020 with over 200 people participating from 43 congregations and 11 states.

In sum, SIP stands for “Scripture Invitation Prayer.” Five to seven people are in a text group together, and each person takes responsibility to send a short “sip” (not a firehose ) of a scripture on their day of the week for 40 days. So in the 40 days, you’ll be responsible for no more than 7 days. I might have Monday, you’d have Tuesday, someone else Wednesday, etc. for each week. It’s a wonderful daily encouragement in the Lord from a group of friends. You can also give it a try by just listening in for a semester. Last semester, 121 people participated from 43 congregations and 11 states.

At the end of each semester, you can say that you want to continue or take a break until a future semester. New semesters start the first day of January, March, May, July, September, and November. There are couples groups, women only groups, men only groups, and parent child groups.

Contact Pastor Chris or the church office for more information or to join!

Disciple Making Groups / Missional Communities

What are they?  Ordinary people teaming together on mission with extraordinary power, preaching, praying, giving and suffering for the spread of the gospel.  

This is the picture of the early church that we see on the pages of the New Testament.  A small band of twelve men responded to a life-changing invitation:  "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19)

**Fall, Disciplemaker Group Orientations begin August 25th, 2019, at Christ the King Lutheran at 9:20a in the sanctuary. Also, Wednesday, August 28, 1p and 7:15p and the following Sunday, September 1 and Wednesday, September 4, will have the same orientation times. Disciplemaker Groups (10 weeks) will begin shortly after Labor Day.

**Be on mission all year long with others in your neighborhood/community.

  • Riverchase Area (35244) - Forming Soon

  • Bluff Park Area - Tuesday’s at 7p, 2208 Kenbridge Circle, Hoover, 35266

  • Hoover Area (English and Spanish) - Thursday’s at 7p, 3440 Ivy Chase Circle, 35226

  • West Hoover Area - Forming Soon

  • Alabaster Area - Forming Soon

  • Pelham Area - Forming Soon

Contact Pastor Chris (205-988-5004) to join a disciple making group or missional community.

Born to Multiply

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."  Some people attribute this quotation to Mark Twain.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  And God blessed them.  And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..." (Genesis 1:27-28)


What God Did Today

The Bible Project (Videos) Provides background and context for each chapter of the bible.

Handouts to Help You Multiply

The Bridge Illustration (video)

One Verse Evangelism

3 Circles Illustration (video)

“May I pray for you?”

How to Lead a Discovery Bible Study

Disciple Maker's Prayer

The Timothy Project (short "What is Discipleship" video)

Barna Research - Great Commission  (plus many other results of specific research)

Apologetics - Living Waters

"Matthew" Gatherings - (meet Jesus with a small group of believers)  Open to all people interesting in learning how Jesus can change your life!

  • Tuesday Evening Worship at Pastor's House 7p - 8:30p

  • Saturday Drive Thru Prayer at Christ the King in the lower parking lot. 10a-11a