Nursery - Ratio 1:5 or 2:8

Our nursery classroom is for children 6 weeks old to around 9 months and is comprised of a “wake” side and a “sleep” side. The “wake” side of our nursery is used for feeding, diapering, and play. Play time may consist of relaxing in a boppy pillow, playing in an Exersaucer, enjoying tummy time on one of our soft play mats, or playing with one of our many handheld, sensory enhancing toys. The “sleep” side of our nursery is used for naptimes only. Babies may nap in a crib, swing or vibrating/bouncy seat. Each child will be assigned a crib, swing or vibrating/bouncy seat to nap in. All crib sheets and swing coverings and vibrating/bouncy seat coverings will be changed and washed weekly in order to decrease the spread of any contagious diseases. Infants up to 12 months old who are sleeping in a crib will be placed on their backs to sleep. However, once a baby is capable of rolling from back to front and back again, they will not be repositioned on their backs for sleeping.

Parents and guardians of children in our nursery classroom are asked to complete one of our “Special Instructions” forms. The purpose of the form is to ensure that our nursery staff cares for your baby in accordance with your preferences. Information about baby’s schedule; feeding, diapering and sleeping habits, including whether or not your child prefers to be swaddled, as well as techniques for soothing your baby can all be communicated via the “Special Instructions” form. Parents will receive an “All About Day” sheet on a daily basis to inform them of their child’s activities, their child’s demeanor, and if their child is running short on any supplies.

In order to maintain a clean and healthy nursery space, we ask that anyone entering our nursery remove their shoes as many of our babies spend time playing on the floor. We also ask that all pacifiers be labeled and accompanied by a pacifier clip in order to reduce the spread of disease.

Crawlers - Ratio 1:5 or 2:8

Our crawlers’ classroom is for children who are at least 9 months of age and have begun to crawl through 15 months. Our crawlers’ classroom operates much like our nursery classroom however there are few minor differences between the two. Firstly, the caregivers in our crawlers’ classroom work closely with the children in their care to assist them in learning how to self-feed and how to walk independently. Secondly, the caregivers in our crawler’s classrooms also work closely with the children to assist them in assimilating to a shared feeding (morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack), diapering, sleeping (one morning nap and one afternoon nap) and play time schedule.

A variety of age appropriate toys are offered in our crawlers’ classroom including many toys that aid the children in learning how to pull up, how to push behind or ride on, and how to walk independently. Children in our crawlers’ classroom will also experience outdoor strolls in one of our Bye Bye Buggies and seasonally appropriate arts and crafts.

Toddlers - Ratio 1:7 or 2:10

Our toddlers’ classroom is for children who are approximately 15 months old and above, but have not turned two prior to September 1 of the current school year. Our toddlers’ classroom operates much like the walkers’ classroom. Children in the toddler classroom can anticipate a shared feeding (morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack), diapering, sleeping (one nap from 1:00-3:00pm) and play time routine. Also similar to the walkers’ classroom, children in the toddlers’ classroom will participate in a more structured curriculum that will include a more advanced circle time, story time, arts and crafts, centers (home living, blocks, cars, language arts, math, sensory bins, music and movement, library, fine and gross motor skills, etc.), and time outside on the small playground with parent or guardian permission.

Twos - Ratio 1:8

Our twos’ classroom is for children who have turned two prior to September 1 of the current school year. Children in our twos’ classroom can anticipate a much more structured and teacher led environment in which a shared schedule is kept and more purposeful teaching and learning are highlighted. A much more advanced circle time that includes reviewing the weather, calendar, seasons, months of the year, and days of the week alongside a highlighted letter, number, shape and color is implemented. Centers, arts and crafts, and story time begin to include books and activities which are geared towards specific learning units such as “All About Me,” “Community Helpers,” and “Plants.” Fine and gross motor skills as well as critical thinking skills are also emphasized as children begin to be exposed more to puzzles, sewing beads and cards, stacking and sorting toys, and alphabet and math manipulatives.

Our twos’ classroom is also the ideal place for potty training as children prepare to transition into our threes’ classroom. Parents are expected to begin potty training at home first. Once potty training has begun at home, our twos’ teacher will reinforce potty use at school.

Threes - Ratio 1:11

Our threes’ classroom is for children who have turned three prior to September 1 of the current school year and are fully potty trained. Our threes’ classroom operates much like our twos’ classroom with the major difference between the two classrooms being a more rigorous curriculum which includes pre-writing skills.

Fours - Ratio 1:18

Our fours’ classroom is for children who have turned four prior to September 1 of the current school year. Our fours’ classroom operates much like our threes’ classrooms with the major difference between the two classrooms being a more rigorous curriculum which includes pre-reading skills.