Discipleship in the Lectionary - Weekly Commentary

By David R. Lyons

01/06/2019, Witnessing God’s true light

01/13/2019, Baptism of the Lord

01/20/2019, The Wedding at Cana: The Dawning of the Messianic Age

01/27/2019, Jesus’s first public act recorded in Luke was a sermon

03/03/2019, Well, that answers that question!

03/10/2019, Jesus the New Adam withstands temptation

03/17/2019, Jesus laments over…the West?

03/24/2019, A call to repentance

03/31/2019, The prodigal son, the loving father, and the self-righteous older brother

04/07/2019, Contrasting images of discipleship

04/14/2019, Sometimes the only option is to be an ass

04/21/2019, Born from a virgin womb and raised from a virgin tomb

04/28/2019, Do not disbelieve, but believe

05/05/2019, The “Last Breakfast” and the redemption of Peter

05/12/2019, Hear and follow

05/19/2019, A new take on a familiar commandment?

05/26/2019, There’s no pleasing some people!

06/02/2019, Jesus prays for us

06/09/2019, Happy “Birthday” Church!

06/16/2019, Trinity Sunday

06/23/2019, Got demons?

06/30/2019, Disciples not consumers

07/07/2019, Practicalities of disciple-making

07/14/2019, Who is my neighbor?

07/21/2019, The changing church

07/28/2019, The Disciple’s Prayer

08/04/2019, The right perspective on life

08/11/2019, Being ready for Christ

08/18/2019, Christ: The Great Divider

08/25/2019, Jesus confronts legalism and tradition

09/01/2019, Privilege and humility

09/08/2019, Instructions on who can be a disciple of Jesus

09/15/2019, The Parable of the Lost Sheep (not the Lost Shepherd)

09/22/2019, The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

09/29/2019, The Rich Man and Lazarus - The Culture of Indifference

10/06/2019, Discipleship - Just Do It!

10/13/2019, Are you a one in ten?

10/20/2019, Bothering God?

10/27/2019, God, I thank you that I am not like them…

11/03/2019, Going out on a limb

11/10/2019, The clever question

11/17/2019, Today’s Temple

11/24/2019, This is the King of the Jews

12/01/2019, Being in the State of Spiritual Readiness

12/08/2019, New Beginnings

12/15/2019, Go to the Scriptures and Rejoice!

12/22/2019, The message of Joseph

12/25/2019, Philosophers finally discover the meaning of life

12/29/2019, Slaughtering the innocents

01/05/2020, What will the new decade be known for?

01/12/2020, Blessed are the Cheesemakers!

01/19/2020, The unbroken chain of witnesses

01/26/2020, Not a threat but a promise

02/02/2020, The Beatitudes

02/09/2020, Has much of the church lost its saltiness?

02/16/2020, Called to a higher standard

02/23/2020, Rise and have no fear

03/01/2020, We cannot live by bread alone

03/08/2020, The path to discipleship